
Welcome to Rattlin’ Ramblings, the official website and blog spot for Rattlin Bog and Fergus and friends Brush grazing. Rattlin Bog farm started in 2017 when Jess and Steve Stokoe first moved off of their family farms to pursue a farming venture of their own.

Their mission in farming is to create a sustainable and worthwhile lifestyle in which to raise their three kids which will be a pillar for them to lean on in an ever changing world, and to bring their community into this peaceful lifestyle by sharing their God-given abundance with others.

Jess Stokoe was raised with a diverse assortment of animals from a young age, including horses, goats, and chickens. She processed her first chicken at the ripe age of 6 years old and has been involved in the farming sphere helping to provide food for her community ever since. Jesse’s love for horses began practically in the womb, and as early as she can remember her mother tried to cultivate the passion by learning all she could and passing it down to her daughter. Jess even recalls family trips to Tennessee during which the horses along the roads grazing were always pointed out, with plenty of squealing and excitement. Fast forward many years and Jess now works with wild mustangs and teaches horseback riding lessons and training. She has dabbled in many different styles and types of horsemanship and lesson programs only to settle on an attuned, some would say “crunchy”, natural type of horsemanship which focuses on putting the horse first before anything else, combined with classical flares provided by Jess’s own trainers and mentors. Jess feels that her pursuit of horsemanship will never be finished and prefers to proactively chase new methods of attuned horsemanship to offer her students.

Steve Stokoe grew up on the family Christmas tree and pumpkin farm. He learned from a young age the incredible capacity to put his community first and while he is excellent at trimming trees, picking pumpkins and all things machinery he found a particular love in the United States Military. He is an invaluable help on the farm with the landscaping and cleanup. He also helps balance out Jess’s always evident need to bring on more horses by being the voice of reason.